the water in the playroom
the water coming in the guestroom
gutted basement- view from stairs!
gutted guest room
the water coming in the guestroom
gutted basement- view from stairs!
gutted guest room
Literally!!! Sorry for the blogging hiatus, but I have been consumed with a small issue at our house!! On Tuesday night, January 5, our entire finished basement flooded. It was one of the most overwhelming things we've ever experienced, b/c there was nothing we could do to stop the water from coming in and nothing we could do to fix it right away. Our entire basement ended up being lost, all the carpet, padding, baseboards and most of the sheet rock. It has definitely been a process. Originally our insurance said no, none of it would be covered and we were so confused as to what the Lord was doing. We did not have extra cash sitting around for a major home remodel!! 4 days later, our adjuster called back, said he had reviewed our claim, and it would be covered. The Lord has blessed abundantly and we will be receiving enough to do a couple of new things down there as well. It has also been amazing for us to watch our friends serve us- doing our laundry, bringing meals, taking our kids, helping jay with demo and cleanup. it has been equally humbling and encouraging and this process has made us realize how much we have to be thankful for.