Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Abby!

7 months old- day you received bear bear!
a friend's birthday party (still some of your best buddies today)
meeting Jacob
our neighbor and best buddy! k-4 cowgirl!

spider ballerina April 2008

I can hardly believe that it was 5 years ago that God gave me one of the most precious gifts I will ever receive! I will NEVER forget the day you were born. It was honestly one of the most worshipful experiences of my life because it put into perspective even more what it meant that God, our Father, allowed His one and only Son to die for me. They laid you on my chest and you were so unbelievably beautiful. In that very moment I loved you more than I ever could have believed possible. You didn't have to do a thing to earn my love or affection- it was all yours! There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. For me to think that God would give His Son up for me was almost incomprehensible. As I held my first child- it became so much more real, the sacrifice He made.

You are such a fun, encouraging, and lovable little girl. You LOVE being a big sister and you have such compassion for your brothers that it challenges me sometimes. You love to dress up and today you told Roger Day that when you grow up you want to be a princess! I believe we officially own every princess costume available. Arts and crafts, books, and ballet are your other favorite activities. I would have to add in talking as well. There are days when I think it is humanly impossible for someone so small to talk so much (Nana and Pappa say it's my turn!) You are so excited about starting kindergarten this fall. I continue to pray for you my sweet girl that you will be" clothed with strenght and dignity, and can laugh at the days to come." You are wonderful my 5 year old girl and I love you!!

1 comment:

The Blackmons said...

Hey Dawg. You have become quite the blogger. I love it. I can't believe how the kids have grown. I hope to see you all soon! I enjoyed all the pics. Love, Betsy